The Best Weekend Getaways From Santa Marta

Beach near Santa Marta
Beach near Santa Marta | © J P / Flickr
Chris Bell

Santa Marta holds the distinction for being the second-oldest surviving city in South America and the oldest in Colombia. It has a pretty old town and some fascinating museums and galleries, but most travellers won’t want to stay for much more than a couple of days before getting out to explore the surrounding area. So here are the best weekend getaways from Santa Marta, Colombia.

1. Minca

Natural Feature

© Chris Bell
If you’re looking for a break from the sometimes oppressive heat of the Colombian Caribbean coast, then Minca is a perfect weekend escape from Santa Marta. In Minca, a little village in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountains, you can swim in mountain rivers, go hiking, visit a coffee or cacao farm, or just relax at one of the many lovely hotels and hostels and enjoy the sunset.

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